Glimpse of Mount Everest and Mount Evererst Base camp and Nepal Tour is provides one of the best experiences in Nepal trip. Glimpse Nepal Tour includes the historical and culturally enriched Kathmandu city and the amazing and most famous place in the world
Mount Everest and Everest Base Camp by Helicopter. This trip is very a short tast of many peoples dream climp the mount Everest, but it’s wonderful experience and one of a life time memorable holiday in your life.

for all adventure lovers is good to know above-5 has the experience and expertise to organize for sport group incentive groups or people who would like to experience Mt Everest the tours with guides who know the mountain all the way till the top please be free to get more information our concierge team is most happy to serve you , contact us via
Please note for people who would like to go further than the base camp a good health and sport training is needed also here please get advise via our concierge team via
We from Above-5 we have also the option to fly you to the base camp for a day trip in order to experience and have a taste of the adventure